于 IBM in 西安
Data Scientist
1. 研究数学模型与机器学习的方法,开发创新性的数据建模与测量方法论
2. 将数据算法理念演绎为通俗易懂的概念,协助开发团队进行实际的商业应用
3. 理解商业需求,将数据分析和统计学的知识应用到复杂商业数据问题的解决中
4. 挖掘客户的潜在需求,帮助企业级客户提供商业洞察力,协助商业模式的变革
1. 拥有数学与统计学等相关背景,硕士及以上学历
2. 拥有5年以上大数据分析的学术研究经验,或者应用定量方法解决数据分析问题的工作经验
3. 熟练掌握统计建模,数据挖掘和机器语言的技能,如Matlab, SAS, SPSS, Jaql, Hive
4. 熟悉HADOOP, Map/Reduce 和PIG等数据处理技能
5. 优秀的商业敏锐度,以及一定的商业决策影响力
Data Analyst Expert
The job role request understand the business requirements and use cases of the customer and apply their knowledge around analytics and statistics to solve complex business and data problems.
Expertise required in modeling and mining large data-sets using technologies such as R, Matlab, SAS, SPSS etc. Experience in different mining techniques to find associations, correlations, evidence, inferences, clusters for big data analytics is a key to perform the required job responsibilities. Hands-on expertise needed in agile data analytics experiments and creation/deployment of models and algorithm to analyze social, machine, text, sensor, streaming, large-volume structured as well as unstructured data.
Skill set: – Strong mathematical and statistical background (modeling, statistics, analytics, math) – Fluent in statistical analysis, data mining, and machine language – Experience in solving analytical problems using quantitative approaches – Experience in data engineering, pattern recognition and learning, advanced computing, uncertainty modeling 独立面对客户
关键是要数据背景,数据分析强,至少会熟练掌握统计建模,数据挖掘和机器语言的技能,如Matlab, SAS, SPSS, Jaql, Hive – M.S. or Ph.D. in a relevant data science or operations research field or 5+ years relevant experience
有意向进一步沟通的人请将简历发送至 ttshibj@cn.ibm.com,邮件标题请按照如下格式“申请人姓名+数据+NLPJob”,谢谢
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