于 微软 in 北京
Group: Search Technology Center Asia (STCA)/Search Ads – Incubation team
Title: Principle Applied Scientist
Location: Beijing, China
微软亚洲互联网工程院Search Technology Center Asia (STCA)
微软亚洲互联网工程院由搜索技术和广告技术研发团队组成,其研发方向涵盖几大领域: 微软必应(Bing)搜索引擎技术,在线广告技术,MSN社交网络,移动互联网研发以及语音技术。微软亚洲搜索技术中心是微软全球在线产品研发的一支重要团队和中坚力量,同时它也肩负着推动微软在中国及亚太地区在线服务市场发展的使命。为达成这一使命,微软亚洲搜索技术中心在北京建立了世界一流的地区性研发中心,与微软亚洲研究院、微软消费者互联网国际产品部等部门密切协作,致力于将微软搜索及广告产品开发团队提升为高效的、全球性的开发组织。同时中心为每一位才华横溢的工程技术人员和商业管理人员的职业发展提供丰富的机会与挑战
Incubation team is recently set up for the forward looking strategy on research and development of the advanced technologies for Microsoft Ads system,search engine and other online products. The technical innovation is the major horsepower of incubation work. We aim at delivering the world class algorithm and features for better understanding of user intent and ad content/context in order to deliver the best service to users.
We are looking for a Principle/Senior Applied Scientist for Incubation Team. As a hard-core member of the team, you will be leading the development of the innovated key technology.
This position is a hands-on technical lead/architect role. The position requires PhD Degree in computer science or equivalent, plus established academy or industry experiences.
Incubation team 是新近成立的着重于开发前瞻性前沿技术的团队。主要目的是为微软的搜索广告,搜索引擎,以及全公司的主要产品提供和研发共用的核心技术。 随着互联网产品,用户和业务的迅速发展,我们面对海量的用户数据。深入挖掘海量用户数据,理解用户的意图,为用户提供满意的服务是我们的核心目标。 我们的主要工作包含 机器学习 (machine learning,deep learning),自然语言处理(NLP,word segmentation, text mining),文本分类聚类(text classification and clustering),数据挖掘 (data mining,data analysis),统计建模(topical modeling,intent understanding)等等。希望招聘在如上领域的资深科学家和技术人员 (Principle or Senior Applied Scientist)。要求具有相关领域(computer science or software engineering)的博士学位和丰富的工作经验,动手能力强,富有热情和创业精神。
Minimum Job Qualifications
- 7+ yrs working experience on research and development of related fields.
- Good software development and coding skills in C/C++ or C#
- Experience in NLP, machine learning, and data mining, ideally on a Web scale.
- Solid statistical knowledge and intuition.
- Good language understanding and knowledge in English and one of CJK languages.
- Established track record in research and publication in related fields.
- Good communication and coordination skills
Desirable Plus Qualifications
Hands-on experiences in leading Search Engine,Advertising systems architecture design and development
Practical experiences in leading the algorithm design and implementation
Skills and experiences in user behavior/intent studies
Expert in data analysis, machine learning and statistical modeling
近期的职位 微软